Nightguard for Bruxism – Teeth Grinding
Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or damage to the surface of your teeth? If so, it is possible that you are suffering from a condition called bruxism. You may recognize this nighttime habit better by its common description – teeth grinding. Just like snoring, teeth grinding can also cause friction in personal relationships. The sound can become quite loud and is grating to the ear.
More importantly, grinding your teeth at night will cause them to become jagged or worn down. Bruxism destroys the protective enamel of the teeth, leaving them vulnerable to decay or infection. A nightguard is the preferred general dentistry treatment for preventing patients from causing damage to their teeth due to nighttime grinding.
Effective Nightguards
Although Dentists on the Square recommends the use of nightguards for bruxism, the device must fit correctly and comfortably. At Dentists on the Square, we understand the anatomy of the teeth and gums, which means that our team can ensure that your nightguard provides positive benefits when you are sleeping. The purpose of an effective nightguard is to protect your teeth and help you and your partner enjoy a restful sleep.
If you purchase a nightguard over the counter, there is no guarantee of effectiveness. These devices are often one-size-fits-all, which can result in further discomfort while you sleep. It is important to consult with the experts from Dentists on the Square when considering a nightguard as a treatment for bruxism. We have the experience and tools necessary to determine whether a nightguard is the answer to your problem. Our team can also provide recommendations for other treatments that could prevent you from grinding your teeth altogether.
For more information on nightguards and bruxism, reach out to your local Philadelphia professionals at Dentists on the Square. We are here to help you achieve excellence in oral health at a price that you can afford.