How long have you had those dental fillings in there?
Keep your eye out for these three signs that indicate it’s time to upgrade your dental restorations.
- 1. Your Filled Teeth Hurt or Feel Sensitive
A tooth might be a little sensitive within the first couple days of getting a new restoration, but it quickly gets used to the filling. So, if your tooth randomly starts hurting a year or more after getting it filled, it could indicate that a cavity has snuck back in underneath and created a new hole in the tooth.
- 2. Your Fillings and/or Tooth Are Broken
An obvious sign of a damaged filling is if you discover pieces of it coming off your tooth one day. White fillings in particular can break down if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. The restoration needs to be replaced if it’s going to protect your tooth from decay and sensitivity.
- 3. Food Keeps Getting Stuck
Another sign of an old filling is if you keep getting food stuck in it. As the filling pulls away from the tooth, it leaves behind a gap that traps food, germs, and even snags on dental floss. Functional dental restorations should have a tight bond with the tooth and flush edges.
What If Your Tooth Feels Fine?
Just because a filled tooth looks and feels fine to you doesn’t guarantee that it’s problem-free. That’s why routine dental checkups including x-rays are so important. A dentist can pick up on signs that a filling is failing long before it starts to bother you.
Schedule your next dental checkup in Philly right here at Dentists on the Square to make sure your current restorations are in tip-top shape.
Posted on behalf of Dentists on the Square