Oral Cancer Screening
The most important general dentistry service that Dentists on the Square provides is oral cancer screenings. We believe that providing our patients with an early indicator of a potentially life-threatening disease is our duty. While your dentist is always looking for the telltale signs of serious health complications that present in the mouth, oral cancer screening is a more involved examination that is a standalone exam at our Philadelphia office.
The oral cancer screening that we offer is minimally invasive yet could result in you receiving treatment early enough to beat a life threatening condition. We recommend oral cancer screening for any of our Philadelphia patients who have a family history of similar diseases. Our team is also available to answer questions you may have about oral cancer symptoms over the phone.
Identify Mouth Cancer Early
Early detection of mouth and throat cancer often plays a key part in the effectiveness of treatment. Dentists on the Square will look for signs of cancerous tissue when you receive a comprehensive exam at our office. If you have any concerns, we can provide you with an oral cancer screening upon request.
Oral cancer screening is carried out during a single visit, so you won’t have to take too much time out of your busy schedule. Dentists on the Square will also provide you with all the education you need to continue monitoring your oral health at home. If you need a referral for further testing, our Philadelphia team can help.
If you have any questions about oral cancers or screening, contact our office today to speak to a member of our professional dentistry team.