You could use your tongue to describe yourself however you please. Most of us want to make a good first-impression on a job interview or a first date, so it’s easy to use our tongue to stretch the facts or highlight our strong points.
But did you know that your tongue can actually reveal the truth about what’s going on inside your body?
What we mean to say here is that certain health conditions and lifestyle habits are revealed in how your tongue looks.
Here’s what our Philadelphia dentist can tell about you, just from looking at your tongue.
You Have a Bad Bite
If your tongue has scarring in one particular area, this could mean that it’s experiencing regular trauma from one or two particular teeth. Those teeth may be out of healthy alignment and so they constantly bite against your tongue in one spot.
You Suffer From Anxiety
Signs that you nibble on your tongue could mean that you have a nervous habit.
People Avoid Talking with You
Your tongue may be coated in odor-causing bacteria. If you don’t regularly clean your tongue, then you probably have a serious case of bad breath that makes everyone keep their distance!
You Use Tobacco
Tobacco will cause dark brown stains on the top of your tongue. If you chew tobacco, then your tongue may have a telltale white scar.
You Have Cancer
Our Philadelphia dentist may not diagnose cancer on-sight, but we will recommend a biopsy if we discover a suspicious spot on your tongue.
How’s your tongue doing? If you’re due for an oral health checkup, call our Philly family dental team today to schedule a visit!
Posted on behalf of Dentists on the Square